a project by Anna Holter + CompanyPremiere: 2005
I-camp/Neues Theater Muncih
Artistic Team:
Concept/Choreography: Anna Holter
Performers: Nadine Gerspacher, Helmut Ott, Franziska Unseld, Linda Samaraweerová, Anna Holter
Music: Michael Heilrath, Anna Holter
Light: Gerrit Jurda
Photo: Franz Kimmel
Following the successful performances of Meeting with oneself in 2004, Anna Holter is now further exploring the topic of encounters. Her new piece for five dancers concentrates (after the encounter with one's own ego) on the encounter with the unknown.Anna Holter's choreographies leave the viewers with a lot of room for their own associations - without leaving the audience to its own devices. She attempts rather to lead the audience in a particular direction, to create a space that can be filled with the viewers' own experiences and/or interests. The recipients are therefore not merely presented with a finished product but given channels for their own creativity. A totally individual kind of experience develops, which leads one to personal encounters - to study the piece itself, the associations inspired by it, and finally to an exchange with other viewers and the performers. By dealing with her complicated issues through every-day situations, Anna Holter helps the viewers to relate to the piece although she's interested in a traditional identification. And because Anna understands how to surprise her audience with original solutions in content and form, her pieces are not only moving and inspiring, but also entertaining.
by Dorothea Martin
This project was produced with the generous supported by the Kulturreferats der Landeshauptstadt in Munich and Tanztendenz Munich, by Bayrischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT), by the means of the Bavarian State Department for Science, Research and Art, Tanztendenz Munich and i-camp, Neues Theater Munich